Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sleep and a great weekend!

Last night was the first night in a long time that Ellie slept all night! Yeah! It was much needed :-) I had plans to rest and watch a TV show after Ellie went to bed, but I fell asleep with her at 8:30! The best part is, she slept until 7 this morning! It was wonderful! She has had two teeth pop through in the past week....I am hoping this is the source of the sleep problems.
I had a wonderful Saturday this past weekend! Tyler and I had a much needed day together. Since Ellie has been born, we have kind of been like two ships passing in the night. We are busy with her and he has been working a lot. One of the sacrifices we are making so that I can stay home is that he has to work another job for now. So some days he leaves at 8am and doesn't get home until midnight. So, needless to say, we haven't talked much lately. Our anniversary is Thursday, so we decided to have a day together. We went to Edinburg and went shopping at the outlet mall! I was in need of new clothes. I watched many episodes of What Not To Wear in preparation. I think I did ok. I ended up with 3 new shirts and some jeans. It will get me through for awhile :-) Next, we went to Target because I love Target! Last, we went to our favorite restaurant, Carrabas! It was sooo good! It was a great day to reconnect with my husband and remember why I love him. We'll have to do it more often!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yay for sleep!!! And how nice that the two of you got to share a special day together :-) Hopefully there are many more to come...and in the not-to-distant future!

I can't wait to see those teeth!!