Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby Love

Until recently, Ellie has shown no interested in her dolls. But in the past few weeks, they are her favorite toys! It is so cute! She carries them around and kisses them. (With a very open mouth and lots of tongue) :-) One day she sat for 15 minutes and washed her baby with a wipe. Today she has been covering her up with a washcloth. It is just so darn cute! I have taken way too much video in the past few days :-) Here are some pictures of my little mommy:


Mama McAfee said...

She is so stinking cute!!!!!!!!

How is her sleeping lately? I hope betteR!!! I can't believe she will be a year old soon! What are your plans?

Jessica said...

Sleeping is much better these days!
I am excited and a little sad for her birthday. We are going to have a party. It is "1st birthday princess" themed. I am having a good time planning it!

RAS said...

she is adorable jessica -- she must be mimicking her own mom!

Melody said...

OK, Jessica,
I added you as a friend on my blog! So glad we have re-connected!
Love, Melody