Monday, September 8, 2008

Growing up too fast!

So, about a week or so ago I went to get Ellie out of her crib and this is what I found:
I just feel like it is too early for her to be pulling up! Now she does it all the time!! Seven months ago she was in my she is quickly turning into a toddler! Babies just don't last long.
One thing that is not progressing, however, is sleep! I was so blessed to have a good sleeper in the beginning. Now I think I am paying for it. I have ordered a book that I pray will help! It can't get here soon enough!
Just something I was wondering...why do they make baby toys all colorful and fake looking? It has been my experience that babies would much rather have something that looks like the real thing. Ellie can be surrounded by toys and she goes for the one thing she shouldn't have, like the remote, cell phone, or computer. She has a toy cell phone, but it is not nearly as exciting as mine! So, why don't they make toys look like the real thing?


Jessica said...

what a big girl!!

Mama McAfee said...


I pray sleep gets better for you. How often is she waking? Hope the book comes quick!

Don't forget to take down that mobile for choking hazard now that she can get to it.

She is sooo big!! fast.