Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yesterday Ellie and I went up to Indy, picked up Heather and went to see the Bodies exhibit. If you don't know what this is, it is a traveling exhibit that shows preserved human bodies and organs. It was in Tampa when we lived there and I have always regretted that we didn't go to it. So I am glad I got the chance again. It might sound kind of gross, but it was amazing! I got to see brains and spinal columns, hearts, lungs, everything! When we got there, we found out that they didn't allow strollers inside so I had to carry Ellie the whole time. However, I understood when I went in the reason they don't allow strollers. They have whole bodies standing up (minus the skins and other parts so that you could see all the muscles and organs) without glass around them! A bump by a stroller would have been disastrous. I was so afraid the whole time that Ellie was going to reach out and rip an arm off! That would have been mortifying!
The most amazing parts:
1. The brain and spinal column-Your spine is really broad at the base and there are long nerves that run out everywhere! The brain in encased in a tough shell that is covered in blood vessels!
2. Blood vessels- There was one part where they showed a body with only blood vessels. You would not believe how many there are!
3. Lungs- Smokers lungs are disgusting!!
4. Appendix- It looks like a little worm hanging off the intestine!
5. Babies- Part of the exhibit showed some babies that had been miscarried at different stages. While it was sad to see these babies that didn't make it, it was amazing! At 9 weeks you could see all the fingers and toes and the little bones. The face looked just like a miniature baby. It was also amazing how much the babies grew in just a couple of weeks. At every stage they were bigger than I expected. I just don't see how anyone can say an abortion at any stage isn't murder.
And you wouldn't believe how small a uterus is! I can't believe that it can stretch so far.
There are more amazing things, but those are the highlights. There were a few negatives. It was kind of weird if I thought about how those were real people. So I tried to keep a scientific mindset. And...I'm not sure how I feel about eating meat now... But all in all it was a great experience. God truly made us amazing.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The sleep saga continues

I am DONE with crying. Done, done done! I have decided that cry it out does not work for Ellie. It has been about a week or so of serious letting her cry with no improvement. We are still crying for 45 min to over an hour a night. I decided last night that I cannot take anymore. She is getting no better and her naps are getting worse. She doesn't sleep for anymore than 10 minutes at a time for a total of about 30 min a day. She should be getting 3-4 hours of daytime sleep for her age! So, we are trying something new. I am trying to follow The No Cry Sleep Solution. For the first few nights you are just supposed to keep a log of night wakings. I think this is just so that you can notice subtle improvements. You are supposed to right down quite a few things every time you wake up. Well, since I am not coherent enough in the night to even notice what time it is most nights, I just tried to keep count of how many times she woke up last night. I think it was around 5. I lost count a few times :-) So, my new plan is to get her to take a nap no matter what it takes. This morning I pushed her back and forth in her stroller until she fell asleep. Whenever she started to wake up (sometimes about every 2 min) I would push the stroller again. We did this until we got to an hour. Hopefully, once she gets used to napping at certain times and isn't so overtired I can transition her into her bed. As for nighttime, I am going to feed her to sleep and put her in her bed as many times as it takes (it may take hours the way this has been going! She wakes up before her back hits the bed) Once she gets used to that I will gradually put her down more and more awake. This is not a quick fix. It is going to take lots of time and TONS of patience. Please pray that I can make it :-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh, the woes of sleep...

So...Ellie has some serious sleep issues. I don't even care so much about the rough bedtimes right now; I just need her to nap. She will not nap! This morning she finally feel asleep after an hour of work and her nap lasted a whopping 10 minutes. In the afternoon she took about a 30 minute nap in the car. That was it! And most of my day was spent trying to get her to nap. The other day I was so desperate for her to nap that I drove around until she fell asleep and then sat in the mall parking lot for an hour and a half while she slept. Gas is too expensive for this! :-) It's not that I just want the free time a nap would provide (although I wouldn't mind it) it's that she has been progressively more grumpy and fussy each day because she is so tired.
My long awaited book arrived this week. So far what I have gotten from it is that Ellie is sleep deprived and that is bad for her. (If I didn't already know this I wouldn't have ordered a book!) It is all mostly about timing; that if they get overtired that won't sleep well. This is a problem since she is overtired...how do I get her over this so we can get into a good pattern?? Any suggestions for my strong-willed child???

Monday, September 8, 2008

Growing up too fast!

So, about a week or so ago I went to get Ellie out of her crib and this is what I found:
I just feel like it is too early for her to be pulling up! Now she does it all the time!! Seven months ago she was in my belly...now she is quickly turning into a toddler! Babies just don't last long.
One thing that is not progressing, however, is sleep! I was so blessed to have a good sleeper in the beginning. Now I think I am paying for it. I have ordered a book that I pray will help! It can't get here soon enough!
Just something I was wondering...why do they make baby toys all colorful and fake looking? It has been my experience that babies would much rather have something that looks like the real thing. Ellie can be surrounded by toys and she goes for the one thing she shouldn't have, like the remote, cell phone, or computer. She has a toy cell phone, but it is not nearly as exciting as mine! So, why don't they make toys look like the real thing?