Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Epic Photo Fail

Seriously, I just want a decent Christmas card picture.
I started out with a perfect picture in my mind of my sweet angel, sitting in front of a tree, maybe a present in hand, beaming her perfect little grin that showcases her oh-so-cute dimples.
Now I would settle for an opened eyed gaze in my direction. This little booger is hard to capture!

This would have been a cute shot, had I not caught her in mid blink!

The Duuuhhhh look:

This one I would have settled for. Yes, she looks as though she is trying to catch a fly, but usable. However, out of focus. Not even Photoshop can salvage that user error.

And the cheesy grin. This is her forced smile these days. If only she would open her eyes...
If I had a nickel for every one of these shots I have:

I think I am going to have to get better with Photoshop. :-) Any sugesstions??


New things are coming to my blog! You will notice that I have added the Blogfrog! This is a neat little widgit that I hope will add a new dimension to my blog. Blogfrog adds a community aspect. Look on the right side bar of my page and you will notice that a blue box that reads "My Community". Click on the link that says "want to show up here?" This will allow you to sign up. Now you can start a discussion in the forum and "meet" other people who are a part of the blogfrog community!
Happy socializing!