Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow day fun!

Several weeks ago we had a snow day! I love a good snow day every once in a while. We all need a day to stay in our pj's and piddle around the house. Since E's was still in a cast, we opted not to try to play outside. So, I found some fun activities for us inside!

First, when you can't go outside, why not bring the snow inside?

This was great fun! E thought is was so funny that we brought the snow in. Then we made snowmen:

We also made snow paint.

Last but not least, we made edible snow balls for a snack. These were actually pretty good!
Although I hope that winter is drawing to a close, these were some great memories!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy New Year!

I realize I am a little bit tardy, but I have been thinking about this new year a lot lately. People always seem so optimistic about the start of a new year. I hear lots of "This is going to be a great year!" I have even said it myself. However, a new year also brings with it a great amount of uncertainty. As I grow older, I am not so naive to think that things will always be as they always have been. Things can change drastically in a year. We may not begin next year in the same place, in the same health condition, or even with all our loved ones. Already this year there has been devastation. People who counted on living out 2010 with their families are gone. Many people have already had their whole world literally crumble around them. Life is fragile and moments are fleeting! How can anyone possibly feel optimistic in the face of such uncertainty??

I can. Although I don't know the circumstances this year will bring, I know this for sure: The God that holds me tightly in his grasp today will not let me go. My world may fall around me, but He will hold me fast. So I walk into this year with confidence, knowing that hardships are coming my way, tragedies may occur, but He will be the same as He is today. And everything is going to be okay. I know that God's plan, no matter what it is, is the one we would choose if we had all the information.
So I am going to breathe deeply in all the little moments this year holds. I am going to play with my little girl when she asks, and when we dance (as we often do) I am going to gaze intently at her giggling face as the world spins like a blur around us. I am going to enjoy every little moment, for I don't know what the future holds. But that's okay because He does.

It is going to be a good year indeed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Epic Photo Fail

Seriously, I just want a decent Christmas card picture.
I started out with a perfect picture in my mind of my sweet angel, sitting in front of a tree, maybe a present in hand, beaming her perfect little grin that showcases her oh-so-cute dimples.
Now I would settle for an opened eyed gaze in my direction. This little booger is hard to capture!

This would have been a cute shot, had I not caught her in mid blink!

The Duuuhhhh look:

This one I would have settled for. Yes, she looks as though she is trying to catch a fly, but usable. However, out of focus. Not even Photoshop can salvage that user error.

And the cheesy grin. This is her forced smile these days. If only she would open her eyes...
If I had a nickel for every one of these shots I have:

I think I am going to have to get better with Photoshop. :-) Any sugesstions??


New things are coming to my blog! You will notice that I have added the Blogfrog! This is a neat little widgit that I hope will add a new dimension to my blog. Blogfrog adds a community aspect. Look on the right side bar of my page and you will notice that a blue box that reads "My Community". Click on the link that says "want to show up here?" This will allow you to sign up. Now you can start a discussion in the forum and "meet" other people who are a part of the blogfrog community!
Happy socializing!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Party!

This past weekend we attended a family Halloween party. I don't think I have been to a dress up Halloween party....ever? It was great fun! We decided to go as the Flintstones and to make our costumes. Not such a big deal, except for the fact that I don't really know how to sew! To complicate matters more, we didn't use a pattern. However, after many alterations, I think they turned out ok!
Here we are as the Flintstones!
And here is a close up of my little Pebbles

I also tried some new recipes for the party. If anyone is interested, I will post them. First i made pumpkin spice cupcakes. I didn't get a picture of these, but they were so easy and so good! Then I made cake balls. I had never heard of them before, but they were tasty. I tried to make them look like eyeballs.

We had a great time! We will have to make this an annual party!
I'll leave you with a funny picture, of my little girly girl, with a sword, in a bucket :-) Because, well, its cute!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm baaackkkk :-)

After quite a hiatus, I am back to blogging! You will notice lots of changes to my blog! New address, new pictures, layout, everything! Since my blog is now open to any reader, you will notice that I am going to be vague with some details. I am quite aware that it wouldn't take much to dig up any information someone would want, but let's make it a little bit of a challenge. :-)
I am committing to frequent posts; somebody keep me to that! :-) I want this to be a place where people are able to connect and discuss with one another. So stay tuned, you will see some things to that end coming soon!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Did you see that??

Did you just see a little girl run through here wearing nothing but a diaper and a hat and carrying a boomerang??